The Prodigy in Warsaw
Last topics on forum:
- M'era Luna 2018 - 2018-08-15 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2009 - 2009-08-29 (Festivals)
Last topics on forum:
- The prodigy - 2010-04-04
- THE PRODIGY Release Party - 13.03.09 - Wrocław!!! - 2009-03-05
- THE PRODIGY Release Party - 28.02.09 - Kraków!!! - 2009-02-20
- IV Ogólnopolski Zlot Fanów The Prodigy - 31.01 Poznań - IQ - 2009-01-29
- The Prodigy - The Day Is My Enemy - 2015-03-29 (News)
- Rock for People 2012 - tickets presale - 2012-04-28 (Events)
- The Prodigy live DVD - World's On Fire - 2011-04-12 (News)
- The Prodigy Release Party in Wroclaw! - 2009-03-12 (Events)
- 4th Prodigy fans polish convent - 31/91 Poznan - 2009-01-28 (Events)
- New The Prodigy album announces - 2008-11-23 (News)

The Prodigy create have incessantly for 20 years. They made ones debut in 1992 year on scene rave, underground album " Experience" with them first hit "Good (Start The Dance)". Today Englishmen have on account 5 LP, sold in number over 20 million copies on whole word.
She in 2009 year premiere had the newest CD The Prodigy "Invaders Must Die", which band proved that is in perfect condition. and it is not going to stop career. 22 May 2010 year you are allowed to watching band a concert live that will be held on Varsovian hall Torwar.Tickets in prices:
160zł - seat, zone I until 19th March
170zł - seat, zone I from 20th March
140 zł - seat, zone II until 19th March
150 zł - seat, zone II from 20th March
120zł - standing room until 19th March
130zł - standing room from 20th March
500 zł - ticket VIP
Are available in points Ticketpro ( ind Eventim ( as well as on