The Prodigy live DVD - World's On Fire
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The Prodigy are set to give their first concert film a CD, DVD and Blu-Ray release later this year. 'World's On Fire', which was filmed at the band's Milton Keynes Bowl gig on July 24 last year, is out on May 23.
Speaking about the film, the band said: "The night was massive for us. Standing on that stage was a truly triumphant feeling for us as the whole place kicked off, we looked out and we were fucking proud." Setlista:
‘Warrior’s Dance’
‘Run With The Wolves’
‘Weather Experience’
‘Voodoo People’
‘Omen Reprise’
‘Invaders Must Die’
‘Smack My Bitch Up’
‘Take Me To The Hospital’
‘Everybody In The Place’
‘Their Law’
‘Out Of Space’