Halo in Reverse - Trials and Tribulations (CD)
Other CDs:
Trials and Tribulations + Interpretations of Tribulations
Limited 2CD Box Set
Add date: 2010-12-03
Label: Alfa Matrix

Limited 2CD Box Set
Add date: 2010-12-03
Label: Alfa Matrix

Halo in Reverse
Add date: 2010-12-03
Label: Alfa Matrix
01. Something's Gone Terribly Wrong
02. Pop Icon Puppets
03. Sweetest Honey
04. Falling Apart
05. Modesty's Failure
06. Go All The Way
07. I Machine
08. Something This Real
09. They've Taken Me Away
10. Whittled To An Edge
11. Where Were You
12. You
13. Acubens (alpha Cancri)
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