Turnavel - Unbewusste

Maurice Maeterlinck compared the unconscious to an unfathomable ocean scarcely illuminated by a dim phosphorescence. Unbewusste is a kind of promenade through it, along a series of diverse soundscapes that could serve as scenery for an ecstatic duel between the Muse and the inexorable scythe of Saturn.
Turnavel is a project born in 2003, after its existence in some latent mental form while his founder played in bands with different styles during the previous years. It develops a wide range of mainly neoclassical soundscapes which sometimes draw inspiration from other media, such as films, painting or literature, usually related to oneiric or symbolic subjects and addressed to the imagination of the listener.
01. Intro
02. Alferant (Pronaum)
03. Dies Atra
04. El camino
05. Farándula del sueño
06. Du sommeil et des chats
07. Je vivroie liement
08. Lux Perpetua
09. Ergástula
10. Sangrael
11. Mordance Hall
12. A vostre coman
13. Finis Gloriae Mvndi
14. Le bifide
15. Jardín secreto
16. Luna roja
17. Nínive
18. Estancias
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