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VNV Nation in Warsaw

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Concert in the Progresja known as it is, but different at that time.
Old one is under renovation, the new one is larger, a bigger bar and what is most important the ability to listen to and to watch VNV Nation. Yes to watch, because you cannot omit full of dynamism presence of Ronan on the stage, which he directly appropriated for himself. Similarly attention and affection of the audiences had become for that evening His property.
Word audience is not appropriate for the determination of those people who were present.
Ronan personality on the one hand and on the other those who came allowed to create synergy that intensified communication and vivid response of the fans.
Gentlemen prepared for us a journey through the history in eighteen scenes.
And joy was twisting with each track that was played​​.
From the oldest record represented at the concert EMPIRES to the latest TRANSNATIONAL like the earlier AUTOMATIC recalled by the four tracks.

Even breaks between songs gave no respite, because they were interwoven by jokes, comments and even sympathetic provocations of Ronan.
I do not know where from He derives so much energy - I would like to know it personally.
(in brackets the album titles)
It started with Retaliate (TRANSNATIONAL)
Subsequent tracks are Sentinel (OF FAITH, POWER AND GLORY)
Chrome from the album with the same title.
Illusion (JUDGEMENT)
Space & Time (AUTOMATIC)
Tomorrow never comes (OF FAITH, POWER AND GLORY)
Standing (EMPIRES)
The farthest star (JUDGEMENT)
Resolution (AUTOMATIC)
Further – played in acoustic version (STANDING/BURNING EMPIRES)
The performance was ended by Perpetual (MATTER AND FORM), but ended seemingly.
The true finale came after two toasts made by the Group with our kirsch.
It was double chorus made ​​by fans of "one hundred years" - in "unplugged" version of course.
By the concert summary let stand the words of the band placed on FB:
"Brilliant show in Warsaw tonight. So much passion and energy. Poland gives us so much".
I would add that I had the pleasure to listen to VNV in Bolków as well as in Progresja.
Ronan creates an almost intimate, personal relationship, which is difficult to establish during a mass outdoor event.
Therefore, to me, more meaningful is the club version.
A nod to the sound engineers. Vocal was well and clearly audible, not overwhelmed by instruments. It was not a background for the music, unfortunately, it is not often found at concerts.
Overall, in terms of sound system and quality of the sound, well, this is not a concert hall, but it cannot, be really complained to, it was acceptable.
Translator: hellium
Add date: 2014-03-15 / Live reports

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