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Closterkeller: Abracadabra Gothic Tour 2014

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This year's Abracadabra Gothic Tour is unique in several ways. Most obvious reason for this is the fact that it was the first, during which Closterkeller present in lineup rebuild in the end of 2013. With the tenth, anniversary edition challenged bassist Olek Gruszka and Zuza Jaśkowiak on guitar. This is the first such large project since band was left by Krzysiek Najman and Mariusz Kumala. How cope abracadabra’s neobaptists and whether the group has already teamed up well in terms of concert of 10th November 2014, fans had chance to see in Poznan’s Blue Note.
It seems to me that the audience, perhaps driven by curiosity, appeared more multiply than in the last few years. However, bar did not earn too much before the concert – there was no delay.
The Proof
At first introduced themselves The Proof – a new wave trio from Rybnik. Shrouded in cobwebs scene, shedding tears from molten plastic crippled mannequin, dressed up in a scary way figures - from the beginning it was clear that you should expect the batcave show. The concert started from a really good song filled with melancholy in every minute that turned into a sick show. It looked as, if an expressive man at the microphone with lacquered hair in the style of Robert Smith fled on that day from an isolation room in a psychiatric hospital, killed the singer, and only when changed a paper bag on his head while dirty "Ciało" on Mickey Mouse’ ears, keyboardist and guitarist guessed the truth. However, they did not stopped the show - and you cannot be surprised by this fact, if you listen to crazy sequences from keyboards and stream of guitar riffs. Moans, screams, squawks, nursery rhymes accompanied large part of the event. Schizophrenic "Zęby" supplemented by a conversation with doll after trepanation of a plastic skull were accepted with mixed feelings by the audience, but little could be criticized in following compositions: bouncing "Chrystian", "Psychodream", ear-catching "Kraina", while which started acting ambitions of whispering to objects vocalist, showman hidden in guitarist and exuberance of keyboardist. Announced as a return to days before a quarter of century last track with childish and naive phrase "nothing changes, black and white die" left no doubt, about what place it told. Performance’s framework was designated by the two most satisfying compositions, however, The Proof kept the level throughout all their time on stage. Especially impressing was consistently implemented concept.
Change of scenery and...


Every year on the cyclical tour of Closterkeller appears surprise, which characterizes in some way each edition. But in this year, Anja and the company apparently joined the spirit of November’s beginning to introduce in advertising two species: Arctic elves and reindeers. The band prepared a whole bunch of gifts.
Changes were evident in many aspects. Starting with image of group, which appeared among sounds of "Nero", by the look of scene, music, until the return to past. Impressive was generated ultraviolet light. Thanks to it was widely used fluorescence. In violet-blue light eyes were attacked by printed t-shirts (combination of Pratchett with Lovecraft), jewelry. Additionally, there were elements straight from Jean Michel Jarre's performances. Clothes were dominated by rock ferocity, nails and leather, although they did not give up the gothic elegance.
The first song gave some idea, how play of Zuza is different from Mariusz. He was inclining to progressive technique, while she - intuitively to guitar’s dirt. It was particularly evident in tracks from "Nero" album, where the weight comes naturally. Zuza managed to strengthened it, which with a stronger emphasis on percussion directed these compositions towards more metal music.
Sharper sounded "Supernova", then after "Między piekłem a niebem" was time for the first of new songs - "To albo to", misleading listener with almost ambient-chillout beginning played by Roll until the sudden entry of heavy guitars à la... Rammstein. Whole, softened then by keyboards and Kumala-like notes, sounded throughout yet Closterkeller-like.
"Agnieszka" was played (Anja from now was wearing red fluorescent lens), followed by "Królowa" - and it was its best performance, I was able to hear. Blue light was outlining ghostly figures on the scene, drums were intensifying  impression by Anja’s "Evil Dead" Orthodox vocal, but especially here is the applause for Olo, who did a good job.
Melodic composition with the working title "Paprot" with deceitful text and ear-catching beat could be the next band’s hit. It reinforces impression achieved already with "To albo to": new songs sound like a combination of "Cyan" with "Aurum". Among them: melancholic instrumental, still untitled. From these three stands out, to some extent, "Pokój tylko mój" - the most complete, poignant and piercing, which cannot be matched even by "Klepsydra" - but you are wrong if you think that I suggest that it is "sharp piece". There is another attraction on this tour and probably the biggest surprise: "Klepsydra" and "Władza" were presented as they were originally meant to sound – which is with exchanged lyrics. I do not like any of their album’s versions, but punk-like "Władza" (with music from "Klepsydra"), and - this time - depressive, gothic "Klepsydra" (with music from "Władza") could be considered as Closterkeller’s achievement from that period.
The set included also: majestic "Tyziphone", "Serce" sung in white, "Zmierzch bogów", "Na krawędzi" and welcomed enthusiastically "Graphite" with thrilling suspension during the play.
As an encore another gift out of the bag: a reminiscence of the 2005 tour. On the stage appeared Medea from Artrosis, to sing together with Anja "Czas komety". Then "Scarlet" and "Violette" as the second encore - and you can say that change in lineup was good for the band.

Breeze of fresh air, Anja’s singing strong as never before, piercing even through sound system not entirely meeting the expectations, as always friendly atmosphere emanating from the scene, perfect, easy cooperation of Roll (who often focused attention with his play which deserved it long time ago), and female vocalist with each other and with musicians that have little experience in Closterkeller – form me these are just few factors to make this show one of the best that I could see.
Even unlucky thirteenth term for the tour could not spoil anything.

01. Nero
02. Supernova
03. Między piekłem a niebem
04. To albo to
05. Agnieszka
06. Królowa
07. Paprot
08. Tyziphone
09. Zmierzch bogów
10. -
11. Serce
12. Władza (Klepsydra)
13. Klepsydra (Władza)
14. Pokój tylko mój
15. Na krawędzi
16. Graphite

17. Czas komety
18. Scarlet

19. Violette
Translator: hellium
Add date: 2014-11-24 / Live reports

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