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Combichrist - Making Monsters

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Combichrist are a band that have been gracing the scene for a few years now with some amazing tracks and their own unique sound that have gained them many fans n sold out shows to boast.
Their new album Making Monsters is definitely one to join the best of them.

Declamation how ever is unfortunately a disappointing start to the album. However follow the train of blood ft Brandon Schieppati is a brilliant track that would fit in well at any aggrotech/ harsh ebm night at a club with its harsh vocals mixed with trademark heavy beats we have learned to expect and love from these guys. Never Surrender carries on with the same feel and would easily fit into a post apocalyptic/vamp/zombie film but you cant help but want to get up and dance to this track.
Throat full of glass is one of my favorite songs on this album, it grabs your attention from the start which its catchy loops which got me dancing(even on a bus). I love the chorus to this song, its just what you'd expect from these guys and i don't think i can fault this track. Same goes for the next track Fuckmachine which was the first i had heard off this album thanks to YouTube. When i first heard it i wasn't too sure but after a couple of listening's i have fallen in love with this song, it also makes it a notable song on this release.
To me the next song forgotten was a but of an anticlimax and to be honest i was a little disappointed. Just Like Me, however, is a brilliant way of this album to continue with and is also a very note worth track on here. The intro is a bit strange with children but its a brilliant track over all and is an other that would easily fit into a film. Like Just Like Me, Slave To Machine started off strangely but after a minute it picks up but something just doesn't work for me. Its a good song but something stops me from saying its brilliant, I'm not sure what though.
Through these eyes is a slow one but it has grown on me the more i listen to it, like Fuckmachine i wasn't sure to start off but im starting to really enjoy this one the more i listen to it.
MonsterMurderKill goes back to the upbeat feel of the album though it does get repetitive. Having said that if remixed it could make a fantastic club track. I do like the synths used on this number though even if the loops also get repetitive.. They could also make a good club track on its own and I also quite like this ons. Like others it makes me want to get up and dance to my hearts content.
Reclamation is a fantastic track to end this album on, it would have been a brilliant way to have started the album too. It has a sinister feel to it but it works really well and has definitely left me wanting to hear more from the boys.


01. Declamation
02. Follow The Trail Of Blood (feat. Brandon Schieppati Of Bleeding Through)
03. Never Surrender
04. Throat Full Of Glass
05. Fuckmachine
06. Forgotten
07. Just Like Me
08. Slave To Machine
09. Through These Eyes Of Pain
10. Monstermurderkill
11. They
12. Reclamation
Translator: Ankara
Add date: 2010-10-08 / Music reviews

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Writen at: 2011-04-10 16:20:20
Dla mnie spoko płyta, Throat full of glass mogę słuchać bardzo często, reszta nie odbiega dramatycznie od poprzedniego albumu, który może rewelacją nie był, ale na pewno nie był kiepski [w moim odczuciu].

Writen at: 2010-11-09 11:12:22
zobaczymy/usłyszymy jak im to wyjdzie na żywo. ktoś szykuje się na Gdynię ?
bilety 65 złotego (pre-sale) ;)
semi android

semi android
Writen at: 2010-11-02 17:39:02
Wziąłbym jeszcze 'They', ale po przeróbkach.
Jo Pawley

Jo Pawley
Writen at: 2010-10-22 22:10:15
everyones welcome to their own opinion, those were just mine of the album
Rex Rotten

Rex Rotten
Writen at: 2010-10-14 22:52:39
@semi android - na parkiet jeszcze nadaje się Never Surrender, choć najbardziej w remiksie Sthilmanna.

A co do samej recenzji - akurat "Forgotten" uważam za jeden z najlepszych (jeśli nie najlepszy) numerów na płycie. Ciężki, nojzujacy walec, gęsty klimat, industrialny feeling. Poezja.
semi android

semi android
Writen at: 2010-10-13 22:26:40
Taki nie combichristowy. Brakuje czegoś, co by wyciągnęło na parkiet, jak to zawsze robi Combichrist. Wolne, beat jakiś przytłumiony. Na imprezę wziąłbym chyba tylko 'Slave to machine', ale tu i tak musiałbym się trochę zastanowić nad tym.
Rex Rotten

Rex Rotten
Writen at: 2010-10-08 20:24:08
Te popłuczyny nie zasługuja nawet na 5%. Nie rozumiem podniety recenzentki.