Controlled Collapse + Deathcamp Project

Reads: 7864 times
- Castle Party 2017 - 2017-07-21 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2016 - 2016-08-05 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2014 - 2014-07-22 (Festivals)
- Fields Of The Nephilim + Closterkeller + Deathcamp Project - 2014-02-05 (Concerts)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2013 - 2013-05-22 (Festivals)
- Controlled Collapse + Reactor7x - 2013-04-29 (Concerts)
- Deathcamp Project - 2012-11-24 (Concerts)
- Castle Party 2012 - 2012-08-02 (Festivals)
- Controlled Collapse + Deathcamp Project + Synchropath - 2012-05-02 (Concerts)
- Controlled Collapse + Deathcamp Project - 2012-05-01 (Concerts)
- Controlled Collapse + Egoist - 2012-04-23 (Concerts)
- Controlled Collapse + Reactor7x - 2012-04-15 (Concerts)
- Controlled Collapse + Deathcamp Project - 2012-04-04 (Concerts)
- Clan of Xymox + Deathcamp Project - 2011-11-13 (Concerts)
- Castle Party 2011 - 2011-07-27 (Festivals)
- Closterkeller + Deathcamp Project - 2010-11-09 (Concerts)
- Fields of the Nephilim + Hetane + Deathcamp Project - 2010-01-27 (Concerts)
- Deathcamp Project - 2009-10-29 (Concerts)
- Castle Party 2009 - 2009-07-22 (Festivals)
- Dark Rock Decadence - 2009-04-09 (Concerts)
- Combichrist + Controlled Collapse - 2008-07-22 (Concerts)
- Combichrist + Reaper + Kloq + Controlled Collapse - 2007-03-25 (Concerts)
- Gothic Festival #3 - 2006-11-05 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2006 - 2006-07-28 (Festivals)
- Clan of Xymox + Deathcamp Project - 2006-03-22 (Concerts)
- DeathCamp Project + The Act - 2005-10-15 (Concerts)
- FakOff Festival 2005 - 2005-10-10 (Festivals)
- Black Flames Festival 2005 - 2005-10-10 (Festivals)
Last topics on forum:
- DEATHCAMP PROJECT - 14.04 (niedziela) - Łódź - 2013-04-13
- DEATHCAMP PROJECT+THIS COLD - 12.04 (piątek) Wrocław - 2013-04-09
- DEATHCAMP PROJECT+JESUS RODRIGUEZ+THIS COLD - 13.04 (sobota) Legnica - 2013-04-09
- DEATHCAMP PROJECT - powraca z nowym materiałem! - 2012-12-23
- Controlled Collapse - Monster Tour - 2012-01-19
- Deathcamp Project - trasa jesienna - 2011-11-21
- CLAN OF XYMOX + DEATHCAMP PROJECT + CONTROLLED COLLAPSE - 12.XI.2011 (sobota) - Łódź - 2011-11-09
- VICIOUS NIGHT - Deathcamp Project + Reactor7x + Krop + djs - 26.11 (sobota) - Warszawa - klub M25 - 2011-11-09
- CLAN OF XYMOX + DEATHCAMP PROJECT + CONTROLLED COLLAPSE - 12.XI.2011 (sobota) - Łódź - 2011-10-07
- NOC WALPURGII - XIII. Století + Deathcamp Project + Landscape of Soul - 30.04 (sobota) - Zabrze - 2011-03-03
The aura of that day resembled the one from gothic novel or at least the one from detective story set in 19th century London. Gloomy, wet streets, fuzzy lights and some passersby from time to time, moving quickly through the city to reach their destination before another cloudburst. On that day extremely interesting event took place in Cracow.
On that day, meaning 30th March, as a part of Monster Tour, Controlled Collapse threw a concert in Kazamaty Club in Cracow along with Deathcamp Project promoting their latest album "Paintings". Kazamaty is a place shrouded in darkness and characterised by quite gloomy and prison-like ambience. It is located in Dietl Street 50 and it is a place where dark part of Cracow's community gathers. Both bands gave about an hour long concerts and their music fitted perfectly into the place and above mentioned aura. Allowing my imagination run wild I can say that Deathcamp Project’s music creeping on the walls entangled the gathered people, capturing them, while every single tone of Controlled Collapse music reached the deepest part of the listeners, grabbing their souls by sharp claws.
The concert was supposed to start at 9 pm but it was postponed until 10 pm because of the audience's request concerning football match taking place at the same time. So reaching my destination I've found out that nothing special is happening there and hardly anyone is there. Few people were talking and drinking beer and some of them were indulged in watching "The Lion King" projected in the bar-room.
Sometime around 10 pm it was possible to see the musicians from Deathcamp Project putting up a huge banner themselves. After a dozen or so minutes of struggle almost everything was ready. Already very first sounds of the guitar attracted the gathered crowd into the room where the stage is situated. Because of relatively small size of the room and quite a lot of people there it would not be an exaggeration if I say that we were packed like sardines. It was hard to see anything or to move in any direction unless the proper place wasn’t found early enough. Some people even tried to move into the rhythm but they gave up this idea quickly. Also the musicians themselves seemed to feel the lack of elbow room on the small stage. However, ignoring slight technical issues, it didn’t affect the quality of the performance at all. Deathcamp Project, following Void’s words, giving the first concert in Cracow since 2008, seemed to feel very good. So, among the others we could listen to such songs as "Cold the same", "Too late" or the title track from the album "Paintings" performed live only for the second time. Audience reception – extremely enthusiastic, it could not go without female fans leaning out the barrier of course. The band had no choice but to play two more songs. The musicians left the stage literally with the last sounds of music.
Then the time for Controlled Collapse came. And again putting up the banner, warming up, taming the dominant drums, checking, perversity of inanimate objects because during several first songs there were some problems with audio monitoring and finally the concert was thrown with full power. It was possible to feel greater easiness of musicians on the stage as well as among the audience, it wasn’t that much crowded anymore, so some people let themselves move more energetically. Energetically and powerfully sounded all the songs performed. What deserves to be mentioned at this point is vocalist’s great contact with the audience. He seemed to sing for each and every single person present there and for each and every single person he seemed to talk to "I’m nothing – without you".
insane asylum
scream and shout
the same
things come to pass
without me
liar (encore)
Summing up, the quality of music and performing made some small technical difficulties unnoticeable, so that the concert can be regarded as successful. I wish we had more such events in the future.
Other articles:
On that day, meaning 30th March, as a part of Monster Tour, Controlled Collapse threw a concert in Kazamaty Club in Cracow along with Deathcamp Project promoting their latest album "Paintings". Kazamaty is a place shrouded in darkness and characterised by quite gloomy and prison-like ambience. It is located in Dietl Street 50 and it is a place where dark part of Cracow's community gathers. Both bands gave about an hour long concerts and their music fitted perfectly into the place and above mentioned aura. Allowing my imagination run wild I can say that Deathcamp Project’s music creeping on the walls entangled the gathered people, capturing them, while every single tone of Controlled Collapse music reached the deepest part of the listeners, grabbing their souls by sharp claws.
The concert was supposed to start at 9 pm but it was postponed until 10 pm because of the audience's request concerning football match taking place at the same time. So reaching my destination I've found out that nothing special is happening there and hardly anyone is there. Few people were talking and drinking beer and some of them were indulged in watching "The Lion King" projected in the bar-room.
Sometime around 10 pm it was possible to see the musicians from Deathcamp Project putting up a huge banner themselves. After a dozen or so minutes of struggle almost everything was ready. Already very first sounds of the guitar attracted the gathered crowd into the room where the stage is situated. Because of relatively small size of the room and quite a lot of people there it would not be an exaggeration if I say that we were packed like sardines. It was hard to see anything or to move in any direction unless the proper place wasn’t found early enough. Some people even tried to move into the rhythm but they gave up this idea quickly. Also the musicians themselves seemed to feel the lack of elbow room on the small stage. However, ignoring slight technical issues, it didn’t affect the quality of the performance at all. Deathcamp Project, following Void’s words, giving the first concert in Cracow since 2008, seemed to feel very good. So, among the others we could listen to such songs as "Cold the same", "Too late" or the title track from the album "Paintings" performed live only for the second time. Audience reception – extremely enthusiastic, it could not go without female fans leaning out the barrier of course. The band had no choice but to play two more songs. The musicians left the stage literally with the last sounds of music.
Then the time for Controlled Collapse came. And again putting up the banner, warming up, taming the dominant drums, checking, perversity of inanimate objects because during several first songs there were some problems with audio monitoring and finally the concert was thrown with full power. It was possible to feel greater easiness of musicians on the stage as well as among the audience, it wasn’t that much crowded anymore, so some people let themselves move more energetically. Energetically and powerfully sounded all the songs performed. What deserves to be mentioned at this point is vocalist’s great contact with the audience. He seemed to sing for each and every single person present there and for each and every single person he seemed to talk to "I’m nothing – without you".
insane asylum
scream and shout
the same
things come to pass
without me
liar (encore)
Summing up, the quality of music and performing made some small technical difficulties unnoticeable, so that the concert can be regarded as successful. I wish we had more such events in the future.
Other articles:
- Castle Party 2017 - 2017-07-23 (Live reports)
- Castle Party 2016 - 2016-08-04 (Live reports)
- Castle Party 2014 - 2014-07-24 (Live reports)
- Controlled Collapse - Babel - 2013-07-30 (Music reviews)
- In a nutshell.... a few questions to Controlled Collapse - 2013-05-10 (Interviews)
- Castle Party 2012 - 2012-08-20 (Live reports)
- Controlled Collapse + Deathcamp Project + Synchropath - 2012-08-19 (Live reports)
- Deathcamp Project - Painthings - 2012-03-14 (Music reviews)
- Castle Party 2011 - 2012-02-18 (Live reports)
- Controlled Collapse - Distorted Dreams - 2012-02-11 (Music reviews)