Copernicon 2012
- Copernicon 2014 - 2014-09-25 (Conventions)
- Copernicon 2013 - 2013-09-24 (Conventions)
- Copernicon 2012 - 2012-10-27 (Conventions)
- Copernicon 2016 is getting closer! - 2016-09-02 (Events)
- Arkhamer - 2015-03-13 (Events)
- Copernicon announced! - 2015-03-06 (Events)
- WTF - Toruń Fantasy Weekend 2/2014 - 2014-12-06 (Events)
- Copernicon's schedule - 2014-09-19 (Events)
- You can submit your project for Copernicon - 2014-08-21 (Events)
- Copernicon date revealed! - 2014-01-25 (Events)
- Weekend of Torun Fantasy - 2014-01-21 (Events)
- Copernicon 2013 in a few days! - 2013-09-10 (Events)
- Copernicon 2013 guests and programme proposals - 2013-08-08 (Events)

Just a few days left and the fans of fantasy and games will gather in Toruń! It is one of the biggest events of this kind in Poland, extremely popular and getting a lot of positive opinions. The convent will take place from 5th to 7th October in Collegium Maius in Toruń’s old town. Copernicon 2012 – the festival of games and fantasy is organized by "Thorn" Association.
The programme of the event is available at