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Mind.In.A.Box - R.E.T.R.O

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Last topics on forum: have been around for a while with their own unique electro sound that have gained them many fans over the years with releases such as Crossroads, Dreamweb and Lost alone, with R.E.T.R.O now joining it.
Unfortunately theres not much i can say about this album apart from it being thoroughly disappointing. Out of all the 11 tracks theres only 4 which are worth mentioning and even they aren't great.
'The last v8' and gorgeous vocals and that combined with the synths used give it a kind of surreal feel to this song but it felt short and just seemed to pass me by as i was listening to it. The next one is called '8bits' which has an 80's electro feel to it which i actually found quite enjoyable, despite the same 8bit synths as that is used on the rest of the album. Another track thats worth mentioning is called 'I love 64' which i can see being played in a night club on the right night. Last track thats worth mentioning is the last track on the album titled 'Whatever mattered' is a mellow song and would be a lovely chill out track and its a nice end to an other wise mediocre album.

I like and i was thoroughly disappointed with this album as it uses the same synths in almost all the songs and the only recommendation for this album i would give would be to avoid it!


01. Last Ninja 3
02. Lightforce
03. The Last V8
04. Supremacy
05. Shades
06. 8 Bits
07. Mindkiller
08. The Last Ninja
09. I Love 64
10. We Cannot Go Back to the Past
11. Whatever Mattered
Translator: murd
Add date: 2011-01-18 / Music reviews

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Writen at: 2011-01-19 21:31:28
obawiam się że autor nie zadał sobie trudu sprawdzenia że 80% tego albumu to remake'y scieżek audio z klasycznych gier komputerowych z Commodore 64 (na okładce jest magetofon kasetowy od niego) nie jest to z założenia album kontynuacja trylogii poprzednich albumów zespołu a coś zupełnie innego - odskocznia - inny cel i i inne środki przekazu i chwała im za to że zachowali klimat oryginalnych soundtracków, dodając coś od siebie ale nie gubiąc klimatu 8 bit 80s, zresztą kto nie grał wtedy w Lightforce nie poczuje tej płyty ;P
Jo Pawley

Jo Pawley
Writen at: 2011-01-18 10:16:17
dont get me wrong i do like jsut not this album xD