Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile (2CD)
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Nine Inch Nails
Add date: 1999-09-17
Label: Island
Disc 1 :-
01. Somewhat Damaged
02. Day The World Went Away
03. Frail
04. Wretched
05. We're In This Together
06. Fragile
07. Just Like You Imagined
08. Even Deeper
09. Pilgrimage
10. No, You Don't
11. Mer
12. Great Below
Disc 2 :-
01. Way Out Is Through
02. Into The Void
03. Where Is Everybody?
04. Mark Has Been Made
05. Please
06. Starfuckers, Inc.
07. Complication
08. I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally
09. Big Come Down
10. Underneath It All
11. Ripe (with Decay)
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