Pick a support for The Prodigy! Win the tickets!
Last topics on forum:
Last topics on forum:
- The prodigy - 2010-04-04
- THE PRODIGY Release Party - 13.03.09 - Wrocław!!! - 2009-03-05
- THE PRODIGY Release Party - 28.02.09 - Kraków!!! - 2009-02-20
- IV Ogólnopolski Zlot Fanów The Prodigy - 31.01 Poznań - IQ - 2009-01-29
- The Prodigy - The Day Is My Enemy - 2015-03-29 (News)
- Rock for People 2012 - tickets presale - 2012-04-28 (Events)
- The Prodigy live DVD - World's On Fire - 2011-04-12 (News)
- The Prodigy in Warsaw - 2010-03-02 (Events)
- The Prodigy Release Party in Wroclaw! - 2009-03-12 (Events)
- 4th Prodigy fans polish convent - 31/91 Poznan - 2009-01-28 (Events)
- New The Prodigy album announces - 2008-11-23 (News)
- THE PRODIGY - This summer in Wroclaw - 2007-03-13 (Events)

On the 2nd May in Katowice Spodek – The Prodigy will perform live and now you can help to choose supporting DJs. Your propositions can be send at [email protected] till 2nd April, subject of email „Support”. All who will send such an email will take part in a lottery – you can win tickets for concert, and the most interesting emails will get passes for privat party with the band.
Tickets prizes are: 90, 120 and 160 in a vip area. Tickets are available at stronach www.ticketart.pl; www.ticketpro.pl; www.ebilet.pl.