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96%Syndrome X/209 - Gemini2014-09-26 / Jenna_Malique / Reads: 2262Yes, yes, yes, yes!!! I have not heard for a long time such a well thought out, constructed and recorded album. Everything has its time, place, and not so often encountered ENERGY, which bursts the walls. Side-project from mister Kettil Sundberg known from Project Rotten defends itself probably in... |
80%Engelsstaub - Nachtwärts2014-09-23 / Consolatrix / Reads: 3402After releasing great Anderswelt (1999), climbing up rungs of a musical career Engelsstaub group seemed to be on a right way to secure themselves permanent place in history of the German ethereal. It was then, after seven years of active operations, the band suddenly silenced. Trio occasionally reminded of themselves,... |
95%The Exploding Boy - Four2014-09-17 / Sayuri vel PhotoKAmour / Reads: 2911When two years ago, due to among others "London" song, for the first time I had contact with "exploding boy," I thought, it was just a temporary infatuation. So called one season’s adventure. I was wrong. The Swedish representative of music from post-punk and new-wave climates proved lately how much.... |
65%Elastik - Rework2014-09-06 / quartz / Reads: 3026I must admit, this is my first encounter with the creation of Elastik, I have not even heard about them before. To acquaint with them made me not so much pigeonholed label "dark ambient electro", but a fact that this creation comes from France. I got in my hands the... |
95%44 second - Deep Sensitivity2014-09-03 / fiuri / Reads: 3218Lately, serendipity seems to have become my closest friend, bringing me new and exciting projects, as if on a whim, saving me from the tedious drudgery that is my workday. And what a save it was! With its ‘Deep Sensitivity’, 44 second got me on a hook, and I didn’t... |
60%Vigilante - Life is a Battlefield2014-08-31 / RobertSaligia / Reads: 3268Until release of live DVD/CD Ivan Muñoz as Vigilante had on his account two studio albums and a Spanish language EP "Juicio Final". If life, and thus performances on stage, are actually the battlefield, it is worth to consider, what maneuvers resulted in international success of the Chilean act on... |