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Sutcliffe Jugend - Blue Rabbit


Sutcliffe Jugend - Blue Rabbit

2012-06-12 / fiuri / Reads: 1939

There are times when all those who constantly seek out new musical experiences encounter tunes, which are not only difficult to categorise, but also leave its tainted mark on the listener, who after the last track has ended wishes he or she had never reached for this particular project or...

AlterRed - DollsTown


AlterRed - DollsTown

2012-06-10 / savetier / Reads: 2769

Before I got this album to review, I have to admit that I never heard of AlterRed to this time. With their latest release 'DollsTown' I realized soon that I had a real gem in my hands. The album has influences from cabaret, future pop and darkwave, while a synthpop...

Ministry - Relapse


Ministry - Relapse

2012-06-08 / fiuri / Reads: 2239

When I first heard that a new Ministry album is being recorded, I couldn’t help but to feel anxious about it, not to mention having recalled an interview with Al Jourgensen for the Polish edition of Metal Hammer in which he claimed that ‘The Last Sucker’ is his last album...

Necrotek - Blacklight Magick


Necrotek - Blacklight Magick

2012-05-31 / curly_lady / Reads: 2926

For a long time I could not convince myself to listen to this album. I was looking for excuses as usual: bad weather, this is not the mood… Finally free for most of the Holy Monday i couldn’t escape for this time. Sitting with a laptop watching the emerging nature...

7JK - Anthems Flesh


7JK - Anthems Flesh

2012-05-26 / Scather / Reads: 4775

In the case of such acclaimed names as Matt Howden and Job Karma, an irristisitble urge to compare the latest album with the previous works switches on automatically while writing a review of that latest record. A few words about the style, a few about the up-to-the-date works, a few...

The People's Republis of Europe - Reign of Terror


The People's Republis of Europe - Reign of Terror

2012-05-21 / fiuri / Reads: 1713

Truth be told, I’m quite disappointed with this EP. I came to treat The People’s Republic of Europe as a project which although mainly revolves around rhythm noise, is not a stranger to experiments. However, ‘Reign of Terror’ shows us a more orthodox face of TPROE as the music it...

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