The Mission + Fields of the Nephilim + Gene Loves Jezebel

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Tickets for XXVth anniversary of The Mission in the Brixton Academy O2 were sold out many months before a memorable date 22 October 2011.
When it was announced, that Wayne Hussey himself invited legendary frontman of Fields of The Nephilim - Carl McCoy to cooperation,one could almost forget about the traditional way of purchasing tickets.
Fans of both bands are extremely watchful and do not wait too long with the decision to purchase.
5 000 ‚chosen ones’ took part in this extraordinary event - two legendary British gothic rock bands united for the first time in the history.
Carl McCoy, is known for not accepting many invitations, because as he says, he is very selective when, where and with whom he wants to play.
The Mission XXVth anniversary show in Brixton brought together on stage three of the original band members: Wayne Hussey, Simon Hinkler and Craig Adams.
At the same time it was the only performance of Fields of the Nephilim in Britain this year, because the formation does not spoil the native audience. Occasionally visiting the continent with particular focus on Germany and Poland.
Fans from the UK had a chance to see The Nephilim in 2009 on a memorable Hellfire Festival in Birmingham.
It should be also noticed that the fans of FotN used to be in a much better situation anyway, than the fans of The Mission, who may have lost any hope of reunion after memorable break-up.
Great euphoria associated with the XXVth anniversary tour, and Brixton show should be acknowledged. The Mission had not only that one show in London, but also included other cities in the UK and the continent on that special occasion. But returning to Brixton...
I have never seen such a long queue to entrance, so that, unfortunately, many fans were unable to get inside in time to see the support band - Gene Loves Jezebel with Jay Aston on vocals. Their performance lasted a little over 30 minutes.
They start with the song Upstairs from the band's first album ‚The Promise' from 1983.
Although it was obvious that the musicians are ready to play a lot more, due to a limited time of only 6 tracks done,they closed the performance with well-known to gothic rock lovers song Desire.
It's really a pity that part of the audience due to being stuck in the queue never saw Gene Loves Jezebel, because the band gave a good and energetic performance.
Gene Loves Jezebel - set lists
Why Can not I?
Who Wants To Go To Heaven
Break The Chain
When it was announced, that Wayne Hussey himself invited legendary frontman of Fields of The Nephilim - Carl McCoy to cooperation,one could almost forget about the traditional way of purchasing tickets.
Fans of both bands are extremely watchful and do not wait too long with the decision to purchase.
5 000 ‚chosen ones’ took part in this extraordinary event - two legendary British gothic rock bands united for the first time in the history.
Carl McCoy, is known for not accepting many invitations, because as he says, he is very selective when, where and with whom he wants to play.
The Mission XXVth anniversary show in Brixton brought together on stage three of the original band members: Wayne Hussey, Simon Hinkler and Craig Adams.
At the same time it was the only performance of Fields of the Nephilim in Britain this year, because the formation does not spoil the native audience. Occasionally visiting the continent with particular focus on Germany and Poland.
Fans from the UK had a chance to see The Nephilim in 2009 on a memorable Hellfire Festival in Birmingham.
It should be also noticed that the fans of FotN used to be in a much better situation anyway, than the fans of The Mission, who may have lost any hope of reunion after memorable break-up.
Great euphoria associated with the XXVth anniversary tour, and Brixton show should be acknowledged. The Mission had not only that one show in London, but also included other cities in the UK and the continent on that special occasion. But returning to Brixton...
I have never seen such a long queue to entrance, so that, unfortunately, many fans were unable to get inside in time to see the support band - Gene Loves Jezebel with Jay Aston on vocals. Their performance lasted a little over 30 minutes.
They start with the song Upstairs from the band's first album ‚The Promise' from 1983.
Although it was obvious that the musicians are ready to play a lot more, due to a limited time of only 6 tracks done,they closed the performance with well-known to gothic rock lovers song Desire.
It's really a pity that part of the audience due to being stuck in the queue never saw Gene Loves Jezebel, because the band gave a good and energetic performance.
Gene Loves Jezebel - set lists
Why Can not I?
Who Wants To Go To Heaven
Break The Chain
The moment when Fields of The Nephilim banners started to shine with a red light and a huge amount of smoke appeared on stage for many was a sign, that it is the time for one extraordinary ritual to begin. The black silhouettes of the musicians appeared, and the unique performance started.
Some fans stood in front of closed doors of Brixton O2 Academy a few hours to have a chance to look closely at the legendary frontman Carl McCoy.
Anyone who has ever had a chance to meet with the legend knows, that the atmosphere during performances Fields of the Nephilim is very special and worth it. All of the music, text, extremely distinctive vocals and dance of light takes a participant in a kind of rapture and a completely different dimension of artistic experiences.
For this extraordinary feeling, which Carl McCoy in an interview called ‚the dark bond’ many are willing to travel long distances, to witness the concerts taking place in distant European cities.
Intro is a kind of rite of passage, when black silhouettes of musicians appear, and the emergence of Carl McCoy can not be missed because from thousands of throats in response to a characteristic gesture of greetings comes out a spontaneous cry.
Personally, I always try to predict from which side of the stage Carl McCoy will appear, to catch the best shot. Not always succeed, however, also because of the special lighting which Nephilim seem to adore.
It is simply dark, the light falling on the back of the black silhouettes of musicians immersed in heavy smoke fumes. Undoubtedly, this gives a very dramatic effect, the work of the photographer does not help.
Concerts regulars could have noticed that Gavin King has switched places with Tom Edwards, appearing now on the right side of the stage, while bassist Snake, who replaced John Carter, is invariably in the shade, focusing mainly on playing his instrument.
Lee Newell, who also is a member of the Sacred Mother Tongue is playing drums in Fields of the Nephilim since that memorable tour Ceromonies in 2008, while we had a chance to witness new incarnation of the band with current line-up, including change of the bass player.
A strong group of Polish fans was also represented among the multinational audience.
Fields Of The Nephilim introduced in Brixton 60 minutes classic set consisting of 10 tracks including the intro.
Straight to the Light coming from ,Mourning Sun' opened the set with reference to the recent history of the band.
Classics such as the Preacher Man, Watchman and Moonchild satisfy long-term fans who traditionally built the towers - that is, a pyramid of people going out on each other shoulders. It was not a surprise to the security of Brixton O2 Arena, being hopefully aware in advance.
Penetration - played with incredible strength and almost death metal vocals showed more severe side of McCoy, referring to the time of ZOON project, so beloved in our country. And finally - ZOON pt 3 with the sound of a beating heart in the background. A kind of culmination of the evening for me, which ended far to quickly to move us immediately afterwards into the mystical world of Psychonaut.
Cult song Last Exit For The Lost played in front of a full house of over 5000 souls made a big impression on me.
Sadly no additional songs due to the time limit where played. As usual, leaving a deficiency and an increased expectation of more.
Fields of the Nephilim - set lists
Straight to the Light
Preacher Man
From The Fire
Zoon pt 3
Last Exit For The Lost
Some fans stood in front of closed doors of Brixton O2 Academy a few hours to have a chance to look closely at the legendary frontman Carl McCoy.
Anyone who has ever had a chance to meet with the legend knows, that the atmosphere during performances Fields of the Nephilim is very special and worth it. All of the music, text, extremely distinctive vocals and dance of light takes a participant in a kind of rapture and a completely different dimension of artistic experiences.
For this extraordinary feeling, which Carl McCoy in an interview called ‚the dark bond’ many are willing to travel long distances, to witness the concerts taking place in distant European cities.
Intro is a kind of rite of passage, when black silhouettes of musicians appear, and the emergence of Carl McCoy can not be missed because from thousands of throats in response to a characteristic gesture of greetings comes out a spontaneous cry.
Personally, I always try to predict from which side of the stage Carl McCoy will appear, to catch the best shot. Not always succeed, however, also because of the special lighting which Nephilim seem to adore.
It is simply dark, the light falling on the back of the black silhouettes of musicians immersed in heavy smoke fumes. Undoubtedly, this gives a very dramatic effect, the work of the photographer does not help.
Concerts regulars could have noticed that Gavin King has switched places with Tom Edwards, appearing now on the right side of the stage, while bassist Snake, who replaced John Carter, is invariably in the shade, focusing mainly on playing his instrument.
Lee Newell, who also is a member of the Sacred Mother Tongue is playing drums in Fields of the Nephilim since that memorable tour Ceromonies in 2008, while we had a chance to witness new incarnation of the band with current line-up, including change of the bass player.
A strong group of Polish fans was also represented among the multinational audience.
Fields Of The Nephilim introduced in Brixton 60 minutes classic set consisting of 10 tracks including the intro.
Straight to the Light coming from ,Mourning Sun' opened the set with reference to the recent history of the band.
Classics such as the Preacher Man, Watchman and Moonchild satisfy long-term fans who traditionally built the towers - that is, a pyramid of people going out on each other shoulders. It was not a surprise to the security of Brixton O2 Arena, being hopefully aware in advance.
Penetration - played with incredible strength and almost death metal vocals showed more severe side of McCoy, referring to the time of ZOON project, so beloved in our country. And finally - ZOON pt 3 with the sound of a beating heart in the background. A kind of culmination of the evening for me, which ended far to quickly to move us immediately afterwards into the mystical world of Psychonaut.
Cult song Last Exit For The Lost played in front of a full house of over 5000 souls made a big impression on me.
Sadly no additional songs due to the time limit where played. As usual, leaving a deficiency and an increased expectation of more.
Fields of the Nephilim - set lists
Straight to the Light
Preacher Man
From The Fire
Zoon pt 3
Last Exit For The Lost
The Mission. On stage at 9:30 p.m. sharp. The Mission. The faithful fans greeted the band and Wayne Hussey stepping onto the stage with a veritable hysteria of the fans, known to me until now only from archival performances of The Beatles.
Well, it is how enthusiastic crowd on the Island looks like...something incredible. Usually much restrained English just went crazy and let themselves be drawn into this unique show.
I have never seen such an obvious and spontaneous adoration. By the way, I am very curious - how does it feel?
Wayne from the moment of appearance, at the very well-lit stage completely captured the audience, although I noticed that FotN regulars of the first row gave The Mission supporters a chance to watch their idols from the best places.
Fields of the Nephilim fans at that time could have been found not only in the audience, but also at the merchandise stand, as both bands prepared for this evening something special. (I managed to buy a beanie featuring embroidered Fields of the Nephilim logo). One could also buy the latest project of Wayne Hussey created in cooperation with Julianne Regan - album ,Curios'.
The Mission - unquestioned gothic rock legend on the occasion of its XXVth anniversary played set of the songs the most famous and beloved by the fans.
I haven’t got a chance to experience all that force of The Mission before, because of my age. That special XXVth anniversary tour brought together on stage three of the original band members: Wayne Hussey, Simon Hinkler and Craig Adams.
It was a really amazing experience to see them in action, along with Mike Kelly on drums.
Only after the show I learned that Simon Hinkler played guitar with the injured thumb, what absolutely could not be felt during his daring performance!
I admired both an incredible guitar playing and stage presence of this unique musician who recently joined The Eden House while performing on stage and recording new material. Members of The Eden House - Tony Pettitt and Stephen Carey could also have been seen in Brixton Academy that night.
It's hard to tell at which point the set of The Mission reached its apogee, as it was everlasting euphoria in the audience and full involvement of the musicians on stage.
I can say that the whole 60 minutes was played on this same high speed.
Certainly Wasteland and Deliverance absolutely iconic numbers of The Mission, deserves special notifications, but on the other hand in a set exclusively prepared for the XXVth anniversary show in Brixton 02 Academy - all the songs where iconic.
All those who missed the opportunity to participate in this special evening still got a chance to put hands on some special goodies.
DVD and live CD with a recording of The Mission XXVth anniversary show is available through the band site:
The Mission - set list
Beyond The Pale
Hands Across The Ocean
Serpent's Kiss
Naked And Savage
Garden of Delight
Butterfly On A Wheel
Stay With Me
The Crystal Ocean
Like A Child Again
Like A Hurricane (Neil Young cover)
Tower Of Strength
Encore 2
Blood Brother
1969 (Iggy & The Stooges cover)
Well, it is how enthusiastic crowd on the Island looks like...something incredible. Usually much restrained English just went crazy and let themselves be drawn into this unique show.
I have never seen such an obvious and spontaneous adoration. By the way, I am very curious - how does it feel?
Wayne from the moment of appearance, at the very well-lit stage completely captured the audience, although I noticed that FotN regulars of the first row gave The Mission supporters a chance to watch their idols from the best places.
Fields of the Nephilim fans at that time could have been found not only in the audience, but also at the merchandise stand, as both bands prepared for this evening something special. (I managed to buy a beanie featuring embroidered Fields of the Nephilim logo). One could also buy the latest project of Wayne Hussey created in cooperation with Julianne Regan - album ,Curios'.
The Mission - unquestioned gothic rock legend on the occasion of its XXVth anniversary played set of the songs the most famous and beloved by the fans.
I haven’t got a chance to experience all that force of The Mission before, because of my age. That special XXVth anniversary tour brought together on stage three of the original band members: Wayne Hussey, Simon Hinkler and Craig Adams.
It was a really amazing experience to see them in action, along with Mike Kelly on drums.
Only after the show I learned that Simon Hinkler played guitar with the injured thumb, what absolutely could not be felt during his daring performance!
I admired both an incredible guitar playing and stage presence of this unique musician who recently joined The Eden House while performing on stage and recording new material. Members of The Eden House - Tony Pettitt and Stephen Carey could also have been seen in Brixton Academy that night.
It's hard to tell at which point the set of The Mission reached its apogee, as it was everlasting euphoria in the audience and full involvement of the musicians on stage.
I can say that the whole 60 minutes was played on this same high speed.
Certainly Wasteland and Deliverance absolutely iconic numbers of The Mission, deserves special notifications, but on the other hand in a set exclusively prepared for the XXVth anniversary show in Brixton 02 Academy - all the songs where iconic.
All those who missed the opportunity to participate in this special evening still got a chance to put hands on some special goodies.
DVD and live CD with a recording of The Mission XXVth anniversary show is available through the band site:
The Mission - set list
Beyond The Pale
Hands Across The Ocean
Serpent's Kiss
Naked And Savage
Garden of Delight
Butterfly On A Wheel
Stay With Me
The Crystal Ocean
Like A Child Again
Like A Hurricane (Neil Young cover)
Tower Of Strength
Encore 2
Blood Brother
1969 (Iggy & The Stooges cover)
Other articles:
- Castle Party 2016 - 2016-08-04 (Live reports)
- Fields of the Nephilim in Warsaw - 2014-04-23 (Live reports)
- Fields Of The Nephilim in Cracow - 2014-02-01 (Live reports)
- M'era Luna 2012 - 2012-09-29 (Live reports)
- Sinner's Day 2011 - 2011-12-05 (Live reports)
- Wayne Hussey & Julianne Regan - Curios - 2011-10-26 (Music reviews)
- Shadowplay Festival 2011 - 2011-08-04 (Live reports)
- Fields of the Nephilim + support - 2011-05-18 (Live reports)
- The Christmas Ball Festival 2010 - 2011-02-02 (Live reports)
- M'era Luna 2008 - 2008-10-03 (Live reports)