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M'era Luna 2012

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Gothic music festival M'era Luna presents itself so attractive that each time it pulls out from their homes more than 20 thousand people. Like every year the event took place at the airport in Hildesheim. Apart from runways a large campsite could be found there, the use of which is included in the price of the ticket. M'era Luna is definitely a well-organized festival. Impeccable infrastructure, extensive program, established bands, supplies and decently prepared sanitary base - everything is set to the last detail. The festival attracts also with a good and varied musical choice. It promotes music from the dark independent climates with an emphasis on gothic metal, gothic rock, and electronica. Traditionally on two stages there was more than forty bands, among which there wass something for everyone.


Already on the first day of the festival I noticed that not only shows are an attraction for all those who came. Quite a popular place was the festival town where you could spend your time shooting from a bow or crossbow, taking pictures at the gallows and the stocks, resting in an oriental cafe with a good water pipe in your hand. Pictures from the festival show that also this year there were dressed up people, walking around the promenades in Hildesheim. Festival goers each time come up with more and more original clothes, turning the airport for those few days into a genuine fashion show. Gothic style astonishes. Latex, leather, lace, sexy fishnet stockings, big wedges, stylish clothes inspired by the Middle Ages, to that a make-up, usually vampiric shades of red on the lips, dark eyes, pale faces... you could mention a lot more. Even if one isn’t really fond of the music that the festival offers, it’s worth attending this event if only to make new contacts and meet up with friends from previous editions of the festival. Already on the first day one could see groups of friends strolling freely around the event area with a beer, spending time happily. Not only the thirsty ones but also those hungry could safely find something for everyone. At the festival area some very good meals were sold, nutritious and varied. It was possible to eat deliciously, without fear of waiting in endless queues. Definitely worthy of recommendation were dishes from a real stove, among others, baked warm bread stuffed with e.g. feta (of choice) which was just finger-licking good.
The previously mentioned town was full of additional attractions at night. Apart from all kinds of performances on stage you could see an amazing fire show, accompanied by African drums. You could also take part in team competitions organized at the festival as well as listen to fragments of books by Markus Heitz, Chrysrian von Aster and Ges Schwartz read sequentially by the authors themselves (in German) The organizers have ensured a special atmosphere there in the room. There were burning candles and classical music played live. After the readings the hangar was quickly and smoothly prepared for club party lasting until dawn. Good music was guaranteed by Ronny Moorings (Clan of Xymox), Honey (Welle: Erdball).


Saturday greeted us with a beautiful weather. Already in the morning there was a lot of people strolling both by the tents and the stage. Several people took blankets with them and settled on a gentle hill near the scene and waited for concerts in an almost idyllic atmosphere. M’era Luna from the beginning was like a musical picnic.
On the main stage the first to present themselves was a German band Symbiotic Systems then successively Invaders and Grὒssaugust had "their centre stage moments", on the small stage Noyce TM appeared, resounding with characteristic electronic beats and interesting timbre of singer’s voice. Immediately afterwards, without any delay appeared Officers, JÄGER 90 - interestingly dressed up, lead singer wearing the characteristic anonymous mask, musically without revelation. The first bands didn’t impress me much, played briefly, without giving any greater show or showing off their abilities, but certainly enlivening the audience before the next performances. Heimataerde, German electro band, deserving more attention - industrial group with an interesting medieval theme, they gathered very quickly a large audiences under the main stage. They played much harder, louder and with more power than the previous bands. Faderhead was an easy for listening mix of pop, rock, techno, house and trance. They were greeted very warmly. Came out pretty well. Fans of the band had fun with their setlist that lasted for a good 40 minutes.
Megaherz didn’t disappoint me as well. The band had only one slip-up. Right in the very beginning. They started with a hit with full speed and power, the singer gestured heavily and bent on the scene but unfortunately, due to the disconnected microphone, his voice was inaudible at all. Defect was quickly repaired. Despite this error, no one was discouraged, there was only an enormous applause. There were songs like "Miststück", "Heuchler" or "Prellbock". The audience had a really great time.

Soon after Megaherz I went to the Hangar to see a FASHION SHOW. Within a rich enough revue around it didn’t leave too big impression on me. Outfits were also presented by German models - it also discouraged me a little. I stood there only for about five minutes - then I set off with determination to the small stage. It turned out to be a very good decision. I didn’t loose much because they started with a slight delay there. Amid the smoke and delicate stage lighting Rabia Sorda came - Erk Aicrag solo project. In the beginning songs from the "Noise Diary" album sounded. The first one was "This is the end". "Out of Control" followed immediately afterwards along which the audience sang and clapped. It was their first live performance that I’ve seen. Given the opportunity, I wouldn’t miss the next one.
After that I went only to the first three songs of Latzte Instanz, then I went to eat something and I returned for the next two concerts, this time of my favorite bands. In Strict Confidence and Diary Of Dreams. The latter on the main stage only 15 minutes later, a small distance between the two scenes made in possible to easily see at least a little of the two performances. Although I haven’t seen the whole In Strict Confidence, I was able to listen to my favorite songs. It’s a pity that the performance had its drawbacks due to the very big defects in the sound system. Microphone bleeped repeatedly, but only on "Seven Lives". As a vocalist, of course, favorite Dennis Ostermann and known for her heavenly sounding voice Antje Schulz. This time she performed in the lovely long black dress. People had a great time because the music of In Strict Confidence is very well known to the public.

On Diary Of Dreams crowds were unbelievable, the audience chanted and had great fun. Even though the band played in direct sunlight and they were dazzled a little, they put out a good show. They played cleanly, without falsehood and without defects. You could see the high level and experience of the band. Live they also sound good. There was no one who would stand still in one place - everyone swayed, sang and clapped. As I mentioned before they played my favorite songs, "The Wedding", "Butterfly Dance" and "Undividable".

Right after them on the smalls stage Leaether Strip gave a show of their best abilities. This Danish electro-industrial project also gathered a large audience under the stage. Although the vocals didn’t appeal to me, I noticed that lots of fans came to their concert.
The sun was setting slowly and the heat faded a little, Fields Of The Nephilim played their setlist to the end, a little boring in my opinion, I had the impression that people in front of the main stage were more guarding their places for the next band than enjoying the music. At 21.00 sharp Subway To Sally appeared, at the same time De/Vision was finishing their performance on the small stage. Since the concert of this first one was enriched with a fire show it’s worthy of a little more description. Subway To Sally in my opinion, hit the right stage in a good time time. It was dark outside and a lot of fire appeared on stage as usual. These effects created a truly hot atmosphere. I would definitely recommend their concert to those who haven’t seen it yet - good show with good music.

After the fiery show, along with a large part of the audience, I went to the small stage waiting for much desired Suicide Commando. Finally, with a minimum delay, to the sounds of "hate me" and with a huge applause from the audience the highly anticipated band came onto the stage. It’s worth adding that the great visuals completed the whole concert. In the background of the scene there was a screen on which visuals were displayed, referring to the content of songs. Above the stage mannequins were hanging along with scene lighting and those visuals creating a specific and mysterious, although shocking, atmosphere. The setlist contained famous "See you in hell", "Desire" and "Hellraiser". I must admit that the show of Suicide Commando was one of those that made a very good impression on me.

And how did the star of the evening came off? I mean the British band Placebo. This time they came off pretty well. Music sounded good, as well as vocals. Visuals were also a plus. Number of hits that they presented allowed the band to build a concert at a high level. In addition to songs from older albums and those promoting the new one, one could also hear these gems played on the radio. During their concert one always counts on the atmosphere, positive message, a sense of community. Placebo is one of the bands that make every fan feel that they’re playing for them. Placebo’s concert was not the end of the first day at M'era Luna 2012, all those interested who felt up to it could party till dawn at discos in the Hangar. (00.00-01.30 Feaderhead, 01.30-05.00 Martin Sprissler) The tent field did not sleep at night as well, at least most of it. From every side one could hear a joyous drunken voices crying "HELGA!". I learned that it’s a tradition of the festival. But from where it came and why - I will leave it as an interesting mystery. Maybe one of you will want to solve it at the next edition of the festival;)


The morning greeted us disturbingly warm but a cool wind that appeared a little later made the weather just perfect. I arrived to the stage only for Eklipse. Going to their concert I was not aware to the end what kind of band they were. It started as a pleasant surprise. Instrumental music. Red violin, viola, cello and four sexy dressed girls with a great talent. This is it! Their music definitely put the audience into a trance. From the first notes it sounded like a blessing for the ears! Apart form covers of famous songs the band played their own compositions. When I heard "Cry Me a River" I fell in love! A pleasant change from previous day’s concerts. Highly recommended! I haven’t seen bands that player earlier: Les Jupes on the main stage and, before Eklipse, a band TheJuggernauts on the small one. After the concert I went briskly to a main stage where Lahannya started their performance.

The interest was not that big but it didn’t surprise me after all-night events of the day before. While the crowd was not yet that large I decided to go at ease around the shops.
First, I went to the Gothic Tower which, together with the bazaar, operates the entire three days of the festival. Gothic Tower is a must to visit, especially if you are looking for something truly unique. You could admire there the craftsmanship and professional work of created things, exceptional attention drew V-Couture corsets - hand crafted, unique, arousing admiration. Likewise Dracula Clothing unique, elegant and carefully made outfits. You could also buy beautiful jewelry, inter alia, pendants, rings, brooches, necklaces and earrings hand-made ornaments as well as cosmetics, perfumes, handbags. Items particularly preferred were those that are hard to find in regular stores. Among the exhibitors there were such well-known brands like X-tra-X, Longtime Gothic, Gothmetic. Of course, there were also record stands with large selection and, above all, low prices. Especially for the festival many albums could be purchased at bargain prices. The most interesting things still worth describing was a place by which no one passed indifferently. I mean booth where each festival participant could, for 90 euro, form their own professional teeth overlays resembling vampire fangs. I’m not surprised that such a feature was highly popular.
Quality of offered products and the number of exhibitors makes this festival undoubtedly a paradise for lovers of Gothic style. It may be a useful information that it’s worth talking a bit with the seller and a large discount is simply guaranteed (especially on the last day of the festival!).

I managed to walk around all the stands when Down Below presented themselves on the small stage. Extremely friendly band that gave a concert full of energy. Undoubtedly, the master and the ruler of the stage was the singer whose every vigorous move, even a small gesture, was rewarded with enthusiastic cheers and applause from the audience. Throwing drum sticks into the crowd couldn’t be spared. Unfortunately, the room was stuffy from cigarette smoke, which is why some people had problems with standing through the concert. I took a breath of fresh air only on Faun that appeared shortly afterwards. They don’t need any introduction. I think that the acoustic instruments, powerful drum sounds and beautiful vocals are very well known. As usual, it couldn’t go without energetic gambols and jumps of audience gathered under the stage. Beer spilling out all the way;)

From Sunday concerts I skipped Lacrimas Profundere show, and I saw only one song of Absolute Body Control. The Beauty Of Gemina was nothing interesting for me and I wasn’t fascinated by their musical performance. Maybe I felt like that due to the band’s lack of contact with the audience, which was definitely bored during the concert.

Something different should be said about Welle: Erdball - sensational! Not only I was pleasantly surprised musically (because of the use of Commodore 64 computer as a music instrument and a speech synthesizer) but also every now and then something happened - to the extent that the band even changing outfits during the show. There were bubbles, confetti and big balloons thrown from stage onto the audience. The show could be described as a decent event, which would attract even the greatest stiff. After Welle: Erdball it was time for inspired sounds of Amduscia then Schandmaul, Rotersand, Eisbrecher beloved by the Germans (not without yodel;)), KMFDM and New Model Army. After Hocico appeared true madness began. Maybe they were predictable and didn’t come off as well as on Castle Party 2012 but they gave a very good show.

At the end of the festival the main scene has taken over by medieval metal - In Extremo, that is. The legendary group from Berlin proved that time does not destroy the old hits and they still sound fresh and ravishing. Their repertoire included famous medieval songs from Carmina Burana (Nymphenzeit, Omnia Sol Temperat) and contemporary poetry such as Palestinalied (a song also performed by Adaro and Qntal) or Herr Mannelig.

In the evening it was already cold but at night the temperature dropped low. Sleeping on a camp was possible to withstand thanks to cuddling under two blankets. Therefore, it was not that bad, quite the contrary;) In the morning campsite emptied very quickly, about 11 we were already coming back to Poznań. Till this day I have very fond memories of the festival. M'era Luna is not just a music event but also thrilling concerts, contests that absorb attention and a wonderful fashion show. It’s a paradise for people who like to stand out with their outfits. This is definitely a festival worth visiting. As a matter of fact it’s hard to mention any disadvantages. The entire organization certainly is satisfactory and it can be put as a model for other festivals. All those who didn’t attend can only wait for the next festival. Absolutely go there because it’s worth coming to Hildesheim, even if you’re not that fond of those kinds of music, I assure you that there is a lot to look at and the memories will definitely stay with you for a long time.

Translator: kantellis
Add date: 2012-09-29 / Live reports

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