Suicide Commando and H.exe on Mord=X=Fabrik

Reads: 6056 times
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The next edition of the annual Wrocław’s event Mord=X=Fabrik that took place in the club Liverpool, this time on Saturday, March 29, attracted crowds. It is hardly surprising. 2014 year thanks to that in Polish concert history will be remembered as the date, when for the first time in the country took place club event from Suicide Commando. And although the world’s legend of electro-industrial appeared already in the country of the Vistula River at the festivals, the characteristic of that event promised a lot.
Entrance to the show, for which tickets had been completely sold out, was supposed to start at 19:00, but the experience of previous editions showed that, fans still had about two hours to the right start, so that is why I showed up in the club just about 20:30. Opened additional cloakroom suggested crowds - but only in a few minutes a real siege was about to start. Before around 21:00 started H.exe show, so there was plenty of time to review the shop’s offer (except, among the others the latest and older cd’s from Suicide Commando there were releases of related creations, such as Heimataerde), drinking beer, talking with friends, if they appeared.
H.exe’s concert from the first tones proved to be a revelation. Pressed to railings fans were totally drawn by the uncompromising harsh electro from the band, which, although only supported on that evening, showed a real concert class. Vibrant, energetic show turned out to be cross-sectioning. Promotion of the new album was, of course, the obligatory, but in the set there was also a place for older tracks - as "Venom" that was played at the end or presented previously with Steffan from goth-rock Digital Angel (who added to the growl of Od his clean vocal) "Infinity". Most impressive was, appearing on the latest album "Human Flesh Recipes", aggressive and disturbing "300", which has the chance to be the next hit of Polish band on dark electro scene. Encouraged by the leader to the spontaneous participation and dance, fans did not have to be, however, in that way motivated. The fact that, me myself, I felt at the end of it much more exhausted than after several hours of judo training and a bottle of water before the main attraction of the evening was needed.
The first sounds of "Bind, Torture, Kill" opened performance of Suicide Commando. While H.exe warmed up the audience to red, at that moment it went into the middle of hell itself. It boiled close to the stage. Johan is characterized by the incredible commitment and energy that, are easily assimilated by ones who are next to the stage and multiplied. Despite the fact he suffered ankle injury the day before, he decided to appear on the stage and, I assure you, if not for the information about medical intervention given by Od, nobody would have guessed it. Courage, enthusiasm or insanity, this madness visible in his eyes, when the leader performs on stage? I do not know, but he just gave a memorable, simply phenomenal show. Unique contact with the audience, transferred spontaneity, thrown from time to time in Polish "Thank you", the several time possibility to shake hands with Belgian by those standing close to the stage - it all just made the audience to more eagerly shout another phrases of tracks, while dancing passionately. Just playing my favorites "God Is In The Rain" and overwhelming "Death Cures All Pain" satisfied my demands. Energetic, diabolical, exceptional set. Why exceptional? Because in addition to the presentation of their latest album (title one "When Evil Speaks", "Attention Whore", "Unterwelt", "Time (Rewind)") it consisted of composition from the family "the best of": "Love Breeds Suicide", "Hellraiser", "Dein Herz, meine Gier", played devastatingly "Cause of Death: Suicide". After announced as the last one "Die Motherfucker Die" it was yet time fort complementing the set "See You In Hell". What is what, but if they played in hell Suicide Commando, I would go there willingly.
We should also mention about the event, which confirmed the class and experience of the band. When at some point for some reason the playing of "Attention Whore" was interrupted, whole situation was saved neatly and gracefully, thanks to the merit of drummer and the vocalist, who amused by the situation, turned everything into a joke, asking if gathered ones just wish once again that song. It was not felt by the audience that there was a mistake, and "Attention Whore" for the second time went out twice more vigorously.
Such a show is an unforgettable experience. About its quality can testify aching body, almost severed vocal cords, damaged shoes and small injury. At this point I could finish the report, writing in superlatives, but Mord=X=Fabrik was also the after party. While at the beginning it kept an even level (for praise deserves Rotersand presence in the set), the second part from some point began to escalate in Wrocław’s edition of "Obciach Party". Although sometimes there were also played things that can be associated in some way with the dark independent (e.g. Icon of Coil, Depeche Mode, Ladytron, for that a plus from me), thus generally they were given in the form of identical, hopelessly blend mixes of techno/house. Music straight from the "Human Traffic", it is a pity that, without LSD administered on trays. For the whole it will be significant the presence of "The Bad Touch" from the Bloodhound Gang. Those who were not completely drunk were generally embarrassed and disgusted, and finally they went out, although honorable suicide seemed tempting.
This, however, is not able to erase from the memory the two exceptionally good concerts. Those, who were not present, should regret.
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Entrance to the show, for which tickets had been completely sold out, was supposed to start at 19:00, but the experience of previous editions showed that, fans still had about two hours to the right start, so that is why I showed up in the club just about 20:30. Opened additional cloakroom suggested crowds - but only in a few minutes a real siege was about to start. Before around 21:00 started H.exe show, so there was plenty of time to review the shop’s offer (except, among the others the latest and older cd’s from Suicide Commando there were releases of related creations, such as Heimataerde), drinking beer, talking with friends, if they appeared.
H.exe’s concert from the first tones proved to be a revelation. Pressed to railings fans were totally drawn by the uncompromising harsh electro from the band, which, although only supported on that evening, showed a real concert class. Vibrant, energetic show turned out to be cross-sectioning. Promotion of the new album was, of course, the obligatory, but in the set there was also a place for older tracks - as "Venom" that was played at the end or presented previously with Steffan from goth-rock Digital Angel (who added to the growl of Od his clean vocal) "Infinity". Most impressive was, appearing on the latest album "Human Flesh Recipes", aggressive and disturbing "300", which has the chance to be the next hit of Polish band on dark electro scene. Encouraged by the leader to the spontaneous participation and dance, fans did not have to be, however, in that way motivated. The fact that, me myself, I felt at the end of it much more exhausted than after several hours of judo training and a bottle of water before the main attraction of the evening was needed.
The first sounds of "Bind, Torture, Kill" opened performance of Suicide Commando. While H.exe warmed up the audience to red, at that moment it went into the middle of hell itself. It boiled close to the stage. Johan is characterized by the incredible commitment and energy that, are easily assimilated by ones who are next to the stage and multiplied. Despite the fact he suffered ankle injury the day before, he decided to appear on the stage and, I assure you, if not for the information about medical intervention given by Od, nobody would have guessed it. Courage, enthusiasm or insanity, this madness visible in his eyes, when the leader performs on stage? I do not know, but he just gave a memorable, simply phenomenal show. Unique contact with the audience, transferred spontaneity, thrown from time to time in Polish "Thank you", the several time possibility to shake hands with Belgian by those standing close to the stage - it all just made the audience to more eagerly shout another phrases of tracks, while dancing passionately. Just playing my favorites "God Is In The Rain" and overwhelming "Death Cures All Pain" satisfied my demands. Energetic, diabolical, exceptional set. Why exceptional? Because in addition to the presentation of their latest album (title one "When Evil Speaks", "Attention Whore", "Unterwelt", "Time (Rewind)") it consisted of composition from the family "the best of": "Love Breeds Suicide", "Hellraiser", "Dein Herz, meine Gier", played devastatingly "Cause of Death: Suicide". After announced as the last one "Die Motherfucker Die" it was yet time fort complementing the set "See You In Hell". What is what, but if they played in hell Suicide Commando, I would go there willingly.
We should also mention about the event, which confirmed the class and experience of the band. When at some point for some reason the playing of "Attention Whore" was interrupted, whole situation was saved neatly and gracefully, thanks to the merit of drummer and the vocalist, who amused by the situation, turned everything into a joke, asking if gathered ones just wish once again that song. It was not felt by the audience that there was a mistake, and "Attention Whore" for the second time went out twice more vigorously.
Such a show is an unforgettable experience. About its quality can testify aching body, almost severed vocal cords, damaged shoes and small injury. At this point I could finish the report, writing in superlatives, but Mord=X=Fabrik was also the after party. While at the beginning it kept an even level (for praise deserves Rotersand presence in the set), the second part from some point began to escalate in Wrocław’s edition of "Obciach Party". Although sometimes there were also played things that can be associated in some way with the dark independent (e.g. Icon of Coil, Depeche Mode, Ladytron, for that a plus from me), thus generally they were given in the form of identical, hopelessly blend mixes of techno/house. Music straight from the "Human Traffic", it is a pity that, without LSD administered on trays. For the whole it will be significant the presence of "The Bad Touch" from the Bloodhound Gang. Those who were not completely drunk were generally embarrassed and disgusted, and finally they went out, although honorable suicide seemed tempting.
This, however, is not able to erase from the memory the two exceptionally good concerts. Those, who were not present, should regret.
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