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Archive + Mela Koteluk2012-12-12 / kantellis / Reads: 3160Mela Koteluk The show was short and rather calm. However, the seven performed songs definitely warmed up the viewers. Although the assembled were certainly Archive fans, the band was very warmly received and people clearly had fun with their music. What helped for sure was singer’s good contact with... |
Hetane + The Gentle Art of Cooking People2012-11-30 / morrigan / Reads: 3304Alchemia Club is situated in Cracow’s Kazimierz. The decor of the place is quite specific and is supposed to resemble alchemist’s laboratory, the rooms are airless and dark and to get from one room to another you have to go through old wardrobe. Actually in that evening it resembled slightly... |
Closterkeller: Abracadabra Gothic Tour 20122012-11-24 / RobertSaligia / Reads: 5645Autumn is a busy time for Closterkeller - the annual "Abracadabra Gothic Tour" in permanently inscribed in the calendar. This year's edition is unique in a way - announced as the fulfillment of fans’ wishes it consists of concerts, during which only the band’s most renowned songs and hits would... |
STEAMED: Gears, Goggles, Gentlefolks2012-11-21 / savetier / Reads: 4927When I first found out about Steampunk, I was fascinated by the aesthetics it represents. "Some say, it is when goths discover brown" or "is it goth for engineers?", quotations I heard about steampunk. But it is much more. It is a mesh-up of the past (mainly the fin de... |
Memento mori klub 32012-11-16 / savetier / Reads: 9932Though I’ve been to Budapest several times before and remembered it as a nice city, I stayed mostly at and around the Keleti train station. This time, however, we chose the Hungarian capital as our travel destination. We found the club Szabad az Á, located in a basement in the... |
WIBRACJE PALSECAM #5 - Jürgen Eckloff & Robert Schalinski & Films2012-11-16 / kantellis / Reads: 27809.11.2012, Culture Centre Zamek Film, music and performance. Contemporary art. Film. Nowadays, probably one of the most often chosen by artists medium of communication. With it you can attack potential recipient not only visually, but also give them listening experience. In short, trying to get to it from any... |