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Castle Party 2007

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When I'm ending to write the review the incense stick dies down in an ashtray. I relax my palm muscles, fall in the armchair and turn on the recent IAMX album.

This year's edition was a fine experience for me though perhaps not as far as the music is concerned.

I landed in Bolkow on Thursday at 7 pm. Some people even remembered that on the first day of Castle Party it's my name day and I got something I like the most in the world -- ice cream:) So I dare say the Festival started extremely nice for me and my coming to the Castle made me smile. Thursday was a sunny, damp and sultry day. I realized how much I hate the heat and I prayed for a bit of refreshment. My dreams came true with the next days as it seems my prayers were more efficient than our MPs' who had prayed for the rain in Parliament. I got such a downpour that the whole Bolkow almost sank. But, as some say, to the point.

Thursday evening started with DJs' shows in Hacjenda. Honestly speaking I hadn't aimed at club party this year so it's hard to tell whether this year's Before Party was successful. What I know though is that the crowd moving to and fro all around the club was a bit overwhelming and lack of persistence for dampness and strain made me leave quite fast. I know lots of people had great fun on Thursday, so I think I'd lost something nice, indeed:)

Friday welcomed us with unpleasant news: first we heard there wouldn't be a party in the club Sorento, then that there would be, but at the parking lot in front of the club and in the end it turned out there was no party at all. Well, such a karma of the usual party goer is that s/he learns the facts from the word of mouth and deludes oneself that the gossips are not true.

The first real event of Castle Party was Exciting Body Piercing Show. For me the performance was shocking, if not disgusting and terrifying. On the other hand I was standing in the crowd and could take my eyes off the man hanging over me on just his skin, bursting with joy while his back was shed with blood. As a matter of fact the show was exciting. The actor, let's call him the torture victim, didn't seem to be unhappy; on contrary -- a boy (in his 20ties) spun and jumped on stretch lines and hooks, danced over the audience heads, who spirited away in amok. What I liked most about the show was anesthetic served to the participant of the performance -- one or two glasses of vodka; to cheer your broken nerves up (pity they didn't distribute it among the audience). After the man finished a lady was hanged on the hooks and she was also moving in the air, swinging, but her face wasn't that happy as the previous 'hanged man'. Apart from one or two faints among the audience the show was really successful. The show was accompanied by the DJ set, however, it's hard to say if it was any good. The saddest thing though was that the only person that seemed to feel the atmosphere of the music played (notabene ill prepared and trite) was the DJ himself. Exciting Body Piercing Show was a shocking event and I hope next CP will include something similarly scandalous to evoke disgust combined with curiosity and meddling.

C.H.District presented themselves decently. I listened to the whole show and I felt satisfied. After all it's the next Castle Party that 'won' me by Friday shows. The only thing I can criticize is the organization of time which fails almost every year. The problems occurred not only during the main shows, but also parties in Hacjenda. Delays and chaos that that were omnipresent in Bolków made me irritated so I got back to my place to wake up on Saturday morning -- the best day of Castle Party 2007.
28'th July was a good day for me. I had long-awaited concert of IAMX in perspective as well as gigs of other bands and musicians. Great weather encouraged me to get up and look around the downtown. Warm morning and great emptiness; it wasn't earlier than at 12 when the festival goers appeared on the streets of Bolkow which quite surprised me (visible sign the party in Hacjenda must have been good). The moment people appeared on the streets the sky went grey and - what turned out to be the greatest tragedy of the Fest -- remained so till the end of the Fest. The concerts interrupted by storms and strong wind lost attractiveness as we had to find a shelter. But to the point.

The first of the bands I saw was the Czech project Tear. I hadn't expected much of them and as it appeared -- quite rightfully as they played awfully -- they weren't focused, couldn't follow the rhythm and establish a contact with audience. They must have experienced a hell of a stage fright which we could sense. And I would definitely advise the vocalist to stop singing in English, as it was simply tragic.

Just after the undecided Czech the Japanese, visual kei project The Royal Dead jumped out on the stage. Well, TRD definitely didn't lack self-confidence, but in comparison to Tear they did not do any better. My mark might be the result of the fact that I'm demanding for the bands from Japan. Energetic and beautiful vocalist Haru did all she could to move the audience, but the people were standing deadpan staring and her antics.

After the eccentric strangers from the East The Catastrophe Ballet flew onto the stage cheering the audience with their best hits. I'm personally not a fan, but "The Lovers Delight" moved even my cold heart.

Undoubtedly, the 'spectacle' of this year's edition were Miguel And The Living Dead. Not many took them seriously (though there were some) so the people went crazy at their gig enjoying the mixture of kitsch and nightmare of gore films. Musically it was catastrophe of course, but we had hell of a fun...

Finally the brilliant DIORAMA entered the stage and it was their concert that meant a real 'star' of the festival for me. It was wonderful in every respect, the atmosphere of it was exceptional and despite the fact that their music is too light for me (more as a background for making love before sleep than for a party) I must admit there were moments that really moved me. The artists played most of their 'hits' and then they were called again for encore.

After brilliant Diorama the Norwegians of Pride And Fall entered the stage. As I'm not very fond of their music I resigned of their concert and went 'hunting' with my camera. And this year there were really plenty of objects to hunt for. So as a result I don't know how the band played, and I won't lie that they did marvelously though I saw crowds cheering them, so I couldn't have been that bad.

I've been waiting for Suicide Commando and nothing else mattered. The Belgians did not disappoint me (never mind the delays in time schedule) and I had wonderful time at their gig as I listened plenty of great beats and harsh sounds. Standing at the hill I could see the crowds of people dancing, waving, bursting with energy and power. And though there were malcontents I find the concert very good but short. the only drawback was the manner of the musicians who seemed to be playing in a nonchalantly manner and though they appeared at encore they seemed to be playing off the cult "Hellraiser" which made me think that although the concert was correct it left impression of played in a bland, boring and 'stilted' manner.

Just after SC, the German project, known to any soul, appeared on the stage, namely "Diary of Dreams". Honestly speaking I don't like that music, I don't know why but I makes me think of music played in bars and that's what I'd been taking the music of "Diary of Dreams" for. Till I saw them playing live. I don't like sullen and depressive music, but I discovered the sounds carry lots of emotions -- real and unhidden. So I think it was a very good show and it moved me to some extent. It was something special. Though the crowds of teenagers (of both sexes) screaming at every move of Adrian Hates made me laugh, it was fantastic anyway. I had problems with taking my eyes off charismatic musicians myself, but it wasn't the most important. The most important was the music and the expression that got me from the very start. I'm used to experiencing the music in calm, but there were some people coming every time they heard their faves and wouldn't let their neighbors alone by expressing their enthusiasm, but seeing the emotional load of every song it's understandable. It was almost the best concert at CP 2007.

Almost, because the highlight of the Fest was extraordinary, extrovert eccentric and absolutely 'different' band IAMX. And was was for the start? Yet another lap in time...the band was installing on the stage for such a long time it seemed like a century. 50 minutes is really long. But thanx to that i managed to get to the bars to see the artists. I was cold and wet i was fed up with everything and out of a sudden (after those damn 50 minutes) HE ran onto the stage – Chris Corner. Of course the concert couldn't do without the classic show that accompanies every concert. The performance would have been really fine if it hadn't been for the fact the band presented only a small amount of a show they can organize. For those like me who saw their gig for the first time it was marvelous, still the certain feeling of ;'insufficiency" remained and I felt like someone tried to buy me with cheap tricks. Of course they sounded perfectly (the difference between CD and live sound was hard to
trace). Professional, complete show., Jut pity the visuals were boring and Corner tried to make it as short as possible and go to sleep Still, praised be the artist who – as a part of this 'cheap tricks) jumped from the stage to the fans making a hell of a mess onstage. Hi made an impression anyway. the outfit together with controversial lyrics and wonderful music made the concert remarkable event that will remain in my memory for long. In spite of many drawback I still think it was the best concert of CP 2007.
I didn't get to after-show party and afterwards I learnt the shows of DJs I:AM:BPM Night were cancelled and in Hacjenda there was a standard Vampire’s Night which was not particularly tempting for me. that's how the Saturday in Bolkow ended. Despite the weather I had great time and I'm sorry to say it, but that was the only good day of the four at Castle Party 2007.

Sunday begun with beautiful weather that broke up just before the Masskotki performance. Girls from the band know very well how their music is perceived and they make it on purpose. I guess that is why I enjoyed their, let's call it, show. For many festival's participants they were an object to look at, instead of listening to, and some crowed gathered under the stage to see what it is all about. The girls didn't disappoint fans and others and wore extravagant costumes in which they strutted around the castle after the gig. I consider Masskotki's show as good assuming that something already hopeless cannot be judged badly. It was such a positive hopelessness.

Right after the girls stage was taken by Cemetary fo Scream and having heard the vocalist I run to hide in the nooks and crannies of the castle; just not to hear the thing some people call singing. It was dreadful and I hope will never happen again.

I had only the smattering of Desdemona just to see that the singer cannot actually sing (she does not howl however but sings out of tune a bit) and convinced myself that I will never like this kind of music. I also found myself at the band's encore where the female vocalist growled "Szła dzieweczka do laseczka" and it was funny indeed.

I hoped that when Australian Angelspit enters the stage something will change but I hoped in vain unfortunately. Except of interesting outlook I saw nothing but two jumping people in strange clothes. The vocalist was good looking and it was nice to watch her but in case of music it was a total disaster with dreadlocks in the background; in contrary to Masskotki I had an impression that musicians from Angelspit are now aware of how they serve the kitsch to the public.

British NFD appeared right after the kitsch Australian duet. Unfortunately it was already raining heavily and I couldn't stand under the stage any longer and run for cover up to the castle where I decided to find a lost and lonely shashlik. After an hour I gave up the search and found out that the concert has ended. From what I have heard it was a professional and rousing show. I could only wish I were there. In the end I couldn't find any shashlik. They say that the resources were over. I always have bad luck.

Fading Colours concert did not convince me. It was good - nothing more. It was the same every year. The weather was unbearable and I had enough of it. Wet, hungry and cold I decided to go the lodgings to get warm a bit. When I regained my strength I returned to the castle.

The Legendary Pink Dots were ending their show luckily for me because Edward, the vocalist, was wailing as if he was possessed. The atmosphere on the concert was rather fatalistic and reminded me of a funeral. I had an impression that the singer had murdered somebody and I was afraid these were my ear-drums. Fortunately there were no mortal casualties. However the quality of performance was great – musicians were expressive, impulsive and perfectly handled the public. Fans were delighted and I was... slaughtered.

I waited patiently for Mortiis just to go to the lodgings after first few tunes. I did not feel any pleasure of listening and watching the performance. The equipment were constantly switching off and the musicians looked as if they run from the jungle after 30 years; the worst of all was that the rain was falling on me. It was too much. I went to bed. From people who like Mortiis I have heard that the concert was nice and successful. Well, I guess I have different musical taste.

I woke up at the beginning of Front Line Assembly concert. I am not a fan of this group and the concert itself was average. It did not touch me in any way; I decided to go and see what is happening at the bar place. When I finally got to the Hacjenda it was boring there so I returned to the lodgings. I was ad I was missing the concert of H_12 and Poznan's producer and DJ Sthilmann.

To sum up this year's edition was rather average from the point of view of organization. We had a horrible weather; concerts were announced by a man (host) who should be hanging in the Bolkow's main gate now, the food was good but expensive; the concerts themselves were average but correct. Apart from Diary of Dreams, Diorama, Suicide Commando and IAMX nothing touched me; it seems as the festival would last 1 day only and end because the second day was just a disaster which is a pity. However the atmosphere and the company were for the advantages.

Do you remember the film from the last year's edition? There was a local man bald on his head. He asks the journalist if she wanted her husband to be a gay. Sometimes I think that because of the Independent Festival that takes place in the Castle local people go crazy. This year said man treated many of us with snare drum and marched with it through the town. I won't forget it till the end of my life. May there be more of such experiences!

With his face in my mind I left Bolkow on Monday. I hope that next year's edition will be better organized but on the other hand I think it means more money that we – participants – would have to pay...

Translator: Dobermann
Add date: 2008-03-14 / Live reports

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Writen at: 2007-08-03 08:17:56
i nasze foty już zlądowały, padliśmy, ale powstaliśmy rano:)

Writen at: 2007-08-02 22:36:52
ja tam ataczku czekam na materiały do obróbki ;]

Added: 2007-08-02 22:36:52

oblukajcie to: umarłem XD

Writen at: 2007-07-31 18:23:29
exterminated, annihilated, destroyed...

tak mniej wiecej sie czuję ale było zacnie :)
już od środy (a niektórzy już od poniedziałku) zaczeło się obleganie pola i miasta... było sporo niezapomnianych momentów o których opowiem ... ale później :P teraz jeszcze ręce mi telepie (i chyba nie tylko od zimna ostatniej nocy w Bolkowie)

pozdrowienia dla wszystkich spotkanych a w szczególności dla osób które zgodziły się pomóc w naszym projekcie video (niezależnie od preferencji muzycznych) :)

Writen at: 2007-07-31 17:20:45
Na polu byłem w piątek, popływać ^^ fajnie było, basen trochę za płytki ale lepszy rydz niż nic :). Tutaj wypada podziękować Bagiennikowi za pożyczenie mi gaci :P

Writen at: 2007-07-31 15:49:54
Kurna, ale pogoda to była genialna. Szczególnie na polu było wspaniale. Widziałam po minach ludzi że nie tylko ja miałam humor taki nie do końca. No i wszystkim Lejdis w krótkich majtkach tyłki pomarzły. A podłoże na zamku to było takie, że od razu wyobraziłam sobie sceny jak na Woodstock. Tzn, stado Gotów tarzających się radośnie w błotku.
Ale nie, nic takiego nie miało miejsca.
W dodatku zaspałam na FLA. To trzeba mieć pomyślunek, żeby sobie budzika nie nastawić...
No i co z tym "Sorento" w końcu było. Bo "Industrial Night" to wiem że pod Hacjendę był przeniesiony. Ale reszta imprez się chyba nie odbyła? Bałam się podchodzić pod "Sorento", bo tak jakoś z daleka było biało zamiast czarno i podejrzewałam, że to miejscowi, a oni w tym roku jacyś agresywni byli

Writen at: 2007-07-31 14:29:51
podobnie jak Vort chcę podziękować wspaniałym kompanom w deszczowej udręce z którymi opanowaluismy fotografowanie synchroniczne w stylu jeden trzyma parasol a trzech robi zdjęcia XD aki, azi, nomad, vort you're awesome ^^

Writen at: 2007-07-31 14:08:58
No to jak juz o fotkach mowa to tutaj tez cos mozna znalezc :)

Writen at: 2007-07-31 12:54:49
bylo minelo... za szybko... pozniej cos wiecej... teraz nie ejstem w stanie...

Writen at: 2007-07-31 12:11:47
Jak skończę dłubać przy fotach to napiszę coś w temacie wrażeń :)
Na razie wielkie pozdrowienia dla wszystkich znajomych z którymi się udało pogawędzić, i dla tych którzy pomogli w ten czy inny sposób. W szczególności Dobs za poratowanie baterią oraz Azi i Akinom za dzielenie się radami/parasolami/ciepłem w jakże chujowo zorganizowanym przejściu do fosy dla fotorobów. :***

Writen at: 2007-07-30 23:04:59
sorka za początkowy bajzel w fotkach ale mieliśmy trzech fotografów i mam łącznie około 2000 zdjęć do przebrania więc moga one byc nie-do-końca poukładane - poprawię to jak tylko ogarnę wszystkie zdjęcia XD

a tak pozatym jakie wrażenia po festiwalu?
Powodziło się powodziło, ale się nie przelewało :P